Curbside Collection Reminder
Please remember to have your garbage and recycling bins at the curb no later than 6:00AM on Thursdays. Thank you!
- Garbage and recycling service is contracted to GFL Environmental.
- The City of Greenwood has an outstanding recycling program. This is due to the good work of the residents. Recycling takes time, but it's well worth the effort.
- Recycling is every other Thursday. Pickup for residents WEST of Main Street will be marked in GREEN. Pickup for residents EAST of Main Street will be marked in YELLOW.
- All recycling can be placed together into the GREEN cart.
- Please place your carts 3ft apart for pickup. No other bags placed outside of the cart will be picked up.
- For questions, please contact GFL Environmental at 715-669-3868.
It shall be unlawful for any person, unless under contract with the City of Greenwood or unless said person receives permission from the Director of Public Works, to remove any recyclables as defined in section 8-3-7 which have been placed in the approved recycling bin and placed at the street or alley for collection. First offense will e a written warning. For second and subsequent offenses, a forfeiture of not less than $10.00 or more than $50.00, plus costs, shall be imposed.