Welcome to the
City of Greenwood

Grass: City Ordinance requires grass and weeds to be well-maintained and not to exceed 8″ in height. NO LEAVES OR GRASS CLIPPINGS ARE TO BE BLOWN OR PLACED ON ANY PART OF THE ROADWAY!

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Welcome to the City of Greenwood!

Greenwood, Wisconsin is located in the heart of Clark County. With a population of 1026, it is a peaceful little city nestled on the banks of the picturesque Black River. It’s a community where its people take pride in their progressive focus well into the future while keeping the relaxed, less complicated lifestyle of the past. Whether you are a visitor or a resident, you are always welcome in Greenwood.


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Find the answers you need!

What Are the Business Hours of City Hall?
The business hours for City Hall are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. From time to time, City Hall hours may need to be altered. If you are planning to visit City Hall, it’s always best to call ahead.
Who Do I Call for Information?
  • EMERGENCY: 911
  • City Hall: (715) 267-6205
  • Public Library: (715) 267-7103
  • Fire Chief/ EMS Director: (715) 563-7996
  • Police Department: (715) 267-6215 (non-emergency)
  • Fire Department: (715) 267-7390 (non-emergency)
Numbers for Utilities
Xcel: 1-800-895-4999 WE Energies:1-800-236-2136 TDS Telecom: 1-877-837-8372